The Recipe For Making Beef steak with bell peppers.
You can make Beef steak with bell peppers using 6 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Beef steak with bell peppers
- Mix 1 of Ribeye steak.
- Prepare Pinch of sea salt and ground pepper.
- Fill 1 Table spoon of butter.
- Prepare 1 of green or red bell pepper.
- Prepare 4 of Table spoons of Olive Oil.
- Mix 2 Sprigs of Rosemary (dried or fresh).
Step By Step To Make Beef steak with bell peppers
- Defrost the beef until room temperature, marinade the meat with chopped rosemary(or use dry one). Rub with olive oils, sea salt and ground pepper.
- Heat up iron or pan until it get some smoke. The pan needs to be very hot. Grill the steak with high heat. Each side for 2 minutes.
- Before finished grilling, put butter on top and let it melt into steak. Then rest the steak on the cutting board for 3 minutes.
- For bell peppers, use the same pan, put olive oil. Wait until pan is warm. Stir fry until bell peppers are soft..
- Season bell peppers with salt and ground peppers.
- Serve steak and bell peppers with mustard sauce.
That's how to make Beef steak with bell peppers Recipe.